The Data City

Discover the UK’s fastest growing sectors, clusters & companies.

Map UK sector, cluster and company growth using our AI-driven platform of over 5 million businesses and 400+ emerging economy sector classifications.

Our services

An alternative to SIC codes that classifies the new economy

Buy Real Time Industrial Classifications as complete sector databases, subscribe to our Data Explorer Platform or purchase one our unique emerging sector reports.


Undercover and understand the UK’s fastest growing sectors, across over 400+ industry verticals, from AgriTech to Net Zero, with our Real-Time Industrial Classifications (RTICs).


Explore, define & analyse emerging sectors and high-growth companies using our AI-driven platform and database of over 5 million UK companies.


Access a range of free and paid industry reports from The Data City and its partners or get in touch to build your own.

5 million
80 million
Matched URL’s
Datapoints per company
Our clients

A shared ambition to grow high innovation sectors, from Whitehall to Whitehaven

Central and Local Government, Catapults, Private Equity, M&A, Thinktanks, Non-Governmental Organisations and Academics. Our clients have a range of different use cases and backgrounds. What unites them is their ambition to improve the visibility and understanding of new sectors and the companies within them.

Through this visual mapping project, Greater Manchester will be able to showcase our success in the digital sector
Andy Burnham | Mayor Greater Manchester
If you care about technology driven economic growth, you should care about RTICs
Stian Westlake | CEO Royal Statistical Society
We support the use of the innovative technology at the Data City as a force for good, as we help emerging sectors and existing companies in the recovery from Covid-19
James Lewis | Deputy Mayor West Yorkshire
Without using the Data Explorer, I don’t know how we could have effectively gathered the company data for this project
Christopher Steven | Optimat